Once in a year the Chilean NGO named TECHO holds an event called Coleta. The objective is to get as much donations as possible to build houses to people living under the line of extreme poverty. Asking for donations on the street with a huge army of volunteer is the way they do that. The problem is: convince the volunteers (mainly middle-class students) to enlist and give a day of their life to ask for few coins in the traffic lights of the city.
Our strategy was to show the contrast between the frivolous world we always see in the news and the hard reality of some that is so easily ignored by many of us.
Key Visuals
“A campaign that put in the spotlight the lack of MEANING in what is so-called news, and raise the alert to the misery in Brazil.”
"Uma campanha que joga luz à banalização do que é notícia, e alerta para a miséria no Brasil.”
— El Pais